Bollywood and Tollywood Actor, Sachiin Joshi who is also the Vice-Chairman of Viiking Entertainment along with Nittin Keni - CEO of Essel Vision Studios, Akash Chawla - Business Head, Essel Vision Studios and Sanjay Gupta - Founder White Feather Films launched the first Official theatrical trailer of the most awaited film of the year ‘Jazbaa’ at PVR Lower Parel in Mumbai on 25.08.2015. This Project is the re-entry for Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.Director of this movie Sanjay Gupta said that the film exhibits edge of the seat action, suspense and mystery. Jazbaa narrates the story of a prominent and respected lawyer Anuradha (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan) who is yet to lose a case, along with Yohan (Irrfan), a suspended cop with much disregard for age old rules; it is their race against time and corruption to save her daughter Sanaya.
Sachiin said,” It’s a privilege to associate with Sanjay Gupta and Essel Vision Studios on this heart pumping thriller. An ultimate creative combination with Sanjay, Irrfan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan...We are delighted to present the trailer today.”
Global celebrity icons Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Irrfan are the main leads in this Film. The film also stars Shabana Azmi, Jackie Shroff, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Atul Kulkarni, Siddharth Kapoor in pivotal roles.
Sachiin Joshi also produced the Bi-Lingual Movie “Secret” directed by Ram Gopal Varma.
Sachin Joshi who has been seen in various Telugu and Hindi movies has got a place in top 500 billionaires in the world and the Richest Actor in India as per Forbes.
"Jazbaa" releases worldwide on 9th October 2015.
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