RGV Attack Theatrical Trailer featuring Manchu Manoj, Surabhi, Jagapati Babu / Jaggu Bhai, Prakash Raj, Vadde Naveen, Narsing Yadav among others. Directed by Ram Gopal Varma. Music by Ravi Shankar and Editing by Anwar Ali. Produced by Swethalana, Varun, Teja and CV Rao under the banner Sree Subha Swetha Films.
Tags :: RGV Attack Theatrical Trailer, RGV Attack Trailer, Attack Trailer, Manchu Manoj, Surabhi, Jagapati Babu, Prakash Raj, Ram Gopal Varma, RGV Attack Movie Trailer, Attack Theatrical Trailer, Attack Trailer, Attack Teasers, Attack Jukebox, Attack First Look Teaser, Manchu Manoj Attack First Look Teaser, Attack New Look Video, Manchu Manoj New Movie Look, Attack Videos, Attack First Look, Attack Trailers, Attack Teasers
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